Latino Chicago y Más
Chicago Mexican, Puerto Rican, Central American, Latin American and Caribbean Historical, Cultural and Literary Themes
Chicago Mexican-Themed Books
Chicago Mexican Studies
Chicago Mexican and Chicano Creative Writing and Visual Arts

Pablo Ramírez
Pocho Love
LACASA Chicago, 2023
An emerging figure in Chicago’s Mexican Latino Poetry Scene, PABLO RAMÍREZ shares his poetic exploration of 21st century Chicago’s ethnic and working-class Pilsen neighborhood. Soaked in a powerful collage of tattoo, wall murals, pop culture and Chicano graphics. POCHO LOVE, written in English and some Spanish, is a full-charged code-switching flow full of skill and humor. Ramírez brings his debut collection with passion for cultural expression amid life pleasures and pains in 90+ large pages. Influenced by José Guadalupe Posada and Carlos Cortéz Koyokuikatl, Ramírez is both a visual artist poet-activist-curator for cultural events in the Pilsen community. His poetry is inspired by the banging Boom Bap Era of Hip Hop and such Boricua/Chicano poets as David Hernandez.
“A gorgeous, dizzying, Chicano epic. POCHO LOVE’s a wild ride. I love it.”- Luis Alberto Urrea, author of Good Night, Irene.
“A love letter to the self. Stunning graphics, delicious, mischievous, and heartfelt poetry. A feast for the eyes and soul”. - Diana Solís, visual artist, photographer, and educator.
Joel Méndez
Forty Poems for City Living
LACASA Chicago / MARCH Abrazo Press, 2023
“…peeks at history through the eyes of a young Chicano struggling to find his place in community where ICE raids are common and young men are forced to go to war in a far-off land. The poems are memorials to lost friends who shared the same neighborhood experiences and messages to those who are still there to stay and be a part of the change.” –Virginia Martinez, Author of the “Adventures with Abuela” series of children’s stories.
“… evokes a time, place, and life that refuses to be gentrified. Like a tree whose intricate roots run deep, powerful neighborhood images disrupt ongoing attempts to displace a vibrant past and resistant present with the objective of developers, the transformation of an immigrant community into an ethnic Disneyland.” – Leonard Ramírez, Author of The Chicanas of Eighteenth Street.
“… constructs and deconstructs the sights and sounds of the now gentrified Pilsen neighborhood where Joel came of age. His poems present a new vision about the life of new immigrants who must navigate through countless difficulties in order to survive. The poems shine with precision and insightful imagery.” – Antonio Zavala. Author of Our Barrios, Our Lives and Pale Yellow Moon.
Poet, photographer and visual artist, JOEL MÉNDEZ is product of the Chicago Public Schools, and a veteran of Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood. He worked as a secondary school math teacher, as well as a public health researcher, academic counselor and program director at the University of Illinois in Chicago (UIC) Medical Center Campus. This is his first book of poetry.
Carlos Cortéz Koyokuikatl
Coyote’s Song: Collected Poems and Selected Art
Ed. Carlos Cumpián and David Ranney
Chicago, March Abrazo Press, 2023
“Carlos Cortéz was our mentor, our educator, our wise man, our healer. He taught a generation of us how to be artists. He was a quiet but powerful presence. By example he showed us how we could be both activists and artists. Carlos was one of the pioneers who opened the path of environmental concerns, indigenous roots, and neighborhood welfare. His poetry was all about rallying la gente. He taught me to make art accessible to everyone.” —Sandra Cisneros, author of "Woman Without Shame Poems."
Learn more about Carlos Cortez.
José Gamaliel González
Bringing Aztlán to Mexican Chicago: My Life, My Work, My Art
Introduced and edited by Marc Zimmerman
Urbana. U. of Illinois Press, 2010
Bringing Aztlán to Mexican Chicago is the autobiography of Jóse Gamaliel González, an impassioned artist willing to risk all for the empowerment of his marginalized and oppressed community. Through recollections emerging in a series of interviews conducted over a period of six years by his friend Marc Zimmerman, González looks back on his life and his role in developing Mexican, Chicano, and Latino art as a fundamental dimension of the city he came to call home. Born near Monterey, Mexico, and raised in a steel mill town in northwest Indiana, González studied art at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the University of Notre Dame. Settling in Chicago, he founded two major art groups: El Movimiento Artístico Chicano (MARCH) in the 1970s and Mi Raza Arts Consortium (MIRA) in the 1980s. With numerous illustrations, this book portrays González's all-but-forgotten community advocacy, his commitments and conflicts, as well as his long struggle to bring quality arts programming to the city. By turns dramatic and humorous, his narrative also covers his bouts of illness, his relationships with other artists and arts promoters, and his place within city and barrio politics.
For a more detailed description and reviews, visit
Jennifer Palton, ed. “A YouTube Interview: The Autobiography of José Gamaliel González,” 8/10. KPFT.
Marc Zimmerman, ed.
José Gamaliel González. Documenting the Work of a Chicago Mexican Artist and Activist.
CD format, Chicago: LACASA, 2011
Book in CD format packaged in a DVD box.
All intros and other materials avaiable as voiceovers. All artwork in color uploaded in color. Sequel to Jose Gamaliel González, Bringing Aztlán to Mexican Chicago, ed. by Marc Zimmerman, published by U. of Illinois Press, with artworks, newspaper articles, letters, etc. fully documenting this man and his times in Chicagoland's Mexican communities.
John Pitman Weber and Marc Zimmerman, ed. 2017.
A Guerrero Named Guerrero: Taller than a Tall Mural.
A CD dedicated to the memory of José Guerrero (1938-2015), A Texas Chicano Worker, Teacher, Tour Guide, Muralist and Printmaker in Mexican Chicago.
LACASA Chicago, 2017
José Guerrero arrived in Chicago from Texas in the mid-1960s and took a factory job as he honed his cartooning skills and then launched his career as a muralist. Guerrero was known for his radical politics. But, he was also known for his gentle and mischievous sense of humor, his warm solidarity with his fellow artists, and his humility. This CD presents photos of Guerrero’s principal mural and print contributions; it includes extended interviews with and about the artist on his mural and graphic work, his political views and his overall career. The CD also includes several articles about Guerrero and a portfolio honoring him with prints by various Pilsen artists. The CD marks a major tribute to Guerrero, a treasure for all those interested in Chicago Latino art.
Aaron Kerlow
El gran circo chico de nuestro mundito: Escritos y dibujos / The Great Little Circus of our Small World: Writings and Drawings
Bilingual vol. intro. and ed. by Marc Zimmerman
Global Casa & LACASA Chicago, 2015
A great circus brought down by a midget’s jealous love; a parrot who memorizes secret formulae and is destroyed in a madness that all but ends the world; a man whose one-side disease of hyper-sensitivity sours his family ties and life; three women who survive their gangster husbands and then de-criminalize their assests; a trapeze artist-thief and his true love enthralled in sixty years of erotic acrobatics; and a special history of a circus-like, globalized world—along with a wide selection of drawings of fanciful figures and faces, and more. All this by a dedicated doctor who served Chicago’s Latino poor for years. Born in Mexico in 1933, Aaron Kerlow was well known for his playful charm, for his love of Latin American culture and his love of life. After Kerlow’s sudden death in 2006, and in consultation with Kerlow’s daughter and son, Marc Zimmerman decided to coordinate a bi-lingual volume of his friend’s writings and drawings . The result is a volume featuring Kerlow’s creativity, fanciful wit and strong opinions as well his playful visual imagination.
Chicago Mexican Studies
Marc Zimmerman
Mexican and Chicano Literature in Chicago: Transplanting Early Roots to the Barrios and Beyond.
LACASA Chicago / MARCH Abrazo Press, 2023
This first book to trace the rise of Chicago Mexican and Chicano literature from its clouded beginnings to and beyond Chicago’s post-1968 Latino cultural explosion explores how talented Mexican writers spread out from their initial ports of entry to more diverse and cosmopolitan locales, forging an urban ethnic literature related to broader cultural and political trends. The rich tapestry set forth here shows how these writers portrayed Mexican and Latino Chicago in ways which broadened and deepened the overall Chicano, Latino, minority, and U.S. literary fields.
Part One applies theoretical and historical perspectives to early Chicago Mexican writing. Part Two studies stories portraying Mexican Chicago’s steel mill world. Part Three examines the movement north by Mexican poets identifying as Chicana/o in the 1970s and 80s. Parts Four and Five center on Chicago’s most famous Chicana writers, Ana Castillo and Sandra Cisneros, who take off toward the wider world. An epilogue surveys the many other writers emerging during and after the Latino explosion and the vital contribution of Chicago Mexicans to Latino and U.S. literature.
"The range of writers is impressive; Zimmerman’s documenting this epoch in the Midwest is monumental.” Armando Rendón, author of Chicano Manifesto and founder of the Somos en Escrito Literary Foundation.
More praise for "Mexican and Chicano Literature in Chicago."
Marc Zimmerman, ed.
The Mexican Experience in Chicago: Memories from the Early Years and Echoes in Our Time.
LACASA Chicago, 2018
This book plots the history of Mexican Chicago and the development of Chicago Mexican and Latino studies. Essays about Chicago Latinos and Mexicans set the stage for a telling interview of Luis Leal, an iconic pioneer of Mexican and Chicano literature, and longtime Chicago resident, evoking key dimensions of the city’s Mexican life. Next comes a compilation of comments made by and about early Chicago Mexicans as found in the first studies of this population. A final essay shows how the study of Chicago Mexicans from Guanajuato, can offer new insights affecting our overall view of Chicago’s Mexican population. Taken together, these materials, sum up and enrich past work, but also anticipate, corroborate and at times challenge research that has been developing in recent years. The materials are a valuable contribution to the new wave of Chicago Latino and Mexican studies.
Antonio Delgado, edited with Marc Zimmerman
Taking Off in the City: Mexicans from Hull House and Pilsen Areas in Chicago’s Near West Side, 1910-1960
LACASA Chicago, 2020
Taking Off in the City is the earliest book-length study of Mexican Chicago and its most important settlement area written by a member of that community. Delgado traces the arrival of Mexican immigrants to the city’s Jane Addams Hull House area; he portrays how that community developed and how the establishment of the U. of Illinois at Chicago pushed Mexicans south toward the 18th Street Pilsen area, where they formed the political, commercial, and artistic world which would later emerge. The result is a compelling study of the dynamic evolution of Chicago Mexicans and the contributions they made in spite of the tribulations they faced. Today, we may see Delgado’s effort as one of the first to highlight the importance of this population to the history and future of Chicago, Latino/as and the U.S.
Read a review at ElBeiSMan.
Recognizing a Friend of LACASA: Antonio Zavala
Antonio Zavala is a Chicago writer and journalist who has covered the Mexican and Chicano communities for many years.
Pale Yellow Moon
A book of short stories that take place in some of Chicago’s neighborhoods such as Pilsen, Wicker Park and Chinatown, and other locations in the U.S. and Mexico. Full of creativity and interesting characters, Pale Yellow Moon explores topics and genres and it makes for interesting reading in this first book by Antonio Zavala.
Memorias de Pilsen
Este libro presentan un bosquejo del barrio Pilsen de Chicago; un barrio mexicano en donde se originaron muchas luchas por los derechos de una comunidad y sirvieron de inspiración tanto para los mexicanos e hispanos de la ciudad como para otros grupos étnicos.
Our Barrios Our Lives
A collection of wide-ranging essays and stories, from a story exploring the concept of Aztlan to an appreciation of El Flaco Jimenez, accordion player extraordinaire, stories about Dolores Huerta, on turning 90 years-old; a visit to Cicero, Illinois, by Mexican immigrant and astronaut Jose Hernandez.
Antonio Zavala's books are available at Amazon.
You can find examples of Zavala's journalism at El Beisman.
U.S., Chicago, and Island Puerto Rican Creative Writing and Cultural Studies
Creative Writing and Visual Arts
Marisabel Martín Córdova.
Entre Parentesis
"Si hay una manera de caracterizar pertinentemente esta novela, es calificarla como excéntrica. Saharah, su protagonista, se encuentra en constante transformación, a raíz de la vorágine de sucesos que le toca vivir. Su desplazamiento vital del centro urbano al margen suburbano le concede un carácter nomádico liminal. Del mismo modo, la escritura se convierte en el detonante de su imperiosa y necesaria metamorfosis. Marisabel Martín Córdova ha concebido una arriesgada y fascinante novela, través la cual el lector se adentra en los vertiginosos vericuetos de la existencia humana. Entre paréntesis es una novela madura cuyos códigos estructurales conforman las enardecidas aristas de su excentricidad."
Alberto Martínez Márquez, Docente y Director de Tesis en la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón. Director departamental y UPR-Aguadilla.
"En esta primera entrega, Marisabel Martín Córdova se planta en terrenos inéditos dentro de la literatura puertorriqueña, rompiendo con ciertos paradigmas silenciosos que han reinado en nuestra manera de escribir(nos). He aquí una novela que cartografía la crisis de una mujer escritora, parte del magisterio boricua, del área oeste, que recién descubre una noticia misteriosa que hamaquea sus cimientos, Entre paréntesis encarna la famosa frase de Kate Millet, “Lo personal es político”, pues su protagonista, Saharah propone de forma magistral la metáfora del cuerpo-país, del cuerpo-patria y, a través de juegos metaliterarios, expone los resultados del saqueo de dicho cuerpo, los límites físicos, mentales y emocionales a los que se empuja esta mujer-isla, que lejos de ser imagen de la fragilidad es catedra de la soberanía."
Ángela M Valentín Rodríguez. Estudió PhD Literatura de Puerto Rico y el Caribe en Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico y el Caribe. Poeta y profesora de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayagüez

Irma María Olmedo
Tales from the Barrio and Beyond
"In this collection of short stories, Irma Olmedo immerses her readers in the world of her childhood growing up in New York's El Barrio during the 1950s. Tinged with nostalgia for her years surrounded by family, celebratory meals, and togetherness while facing economic challenges as other working-class Puerto Rican families in la gran urbe, Olmedo's stories reclaim the humanity of displaced Puerto Rican families in New York through dialogues that are succinct yet truly human, exploding with a candidly felt, nurturing cariño. While the focus rests on her extended family, the stories reveal a larger social and historical moment in New York. Themes such as the mistranslations of migration through consumerism, the power of music and memory, the social alliances between Puerto Ricans and Italians, the limited access to resources, gender and sexual identities, and the diverse generational perspectives of identity and culture across time, all come together in these beautiful narratives of culture, family and communities. Olmedo's unique talent in assuming the voices of her family members throughout these stories, including her own as an adult, is evident throughout the collection. Bravo to a new voice that humanizes Puerto Ricans in the diaspora at a time when the State brutally dismisses our lives as unworthy of recognition." Frances R. Aparicio, Professor Emerita, Northwestern University
Irma Maria Olmedo was born in Puerto Rico, and moved to New York City at the age of eight with her family. She remained in the Lower East Side of New York City, where she pursued a Bachelor's and Master's Degrees at the City University of New York. After marrying, she moved to Wisconsin, Chicago and Ohio, received a master's in Latin American Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Curriculum from the University of Chicago, and a Ph.D. in Education from Kent State University in Ohio. She taught in various colleges and universities, most recently at the University of Illinois-Chicago, from which she retired.
More praise for Tales From the Barrio and Beyond.
Cuentos del Barrio y de Más Allá
"Irma Olmedo sumerge a sus lectores al mundo de su niñez en el Barrio de Nueva York durante los años de los 1950, un momento histórico y social mayor en la gran urbe. Teñidos de nostalgia rodeada de familia, cenas celebratorias, y unión familiar, mientras enfrentaban retos económicos, estos cuentos reclaman la humanidad de las familias desplazadas. Irma emplea diálogos sucintos pero verdaderamente humanos, estallados con un cariño sincero. Temas como las traducciones transculturales, el consumerismo, el poder de la música y la memoria, las alianzas entre los puertorriqueños y los italianos, la pobreza, las identidades sexuales y de género, y las perspectivas generacionales de identidad y cultura, todos se unen en estos bellos cuentos. Un talento único de Olmedo está en asumir las voces de los miembros de su familia, inclusive la suya de adulta. Bravo a una nueva voz que humaniza a los puertorriqueños en la diáspora en una etapa cuando el Estado brutalmente descuenta nuestras vidas de no merecer reconocimiento."
Dr. Frances Aparicio, Prof. Emerita, Northwestern University.
Irma María Olmedo nació en Puerto Rico y se mudó a Nueva York con su familia en 1951. Después de obtener su doctorado, enseñó en varias universidades, la última, la Universidad de Illinois-Chicago. Irma ejerce su segunda carrera como escritora de ficción. Ha publicado capítulos y artículos en revistas académicas sobre el bilingüismo, la educación, y la inmigración. Irma parte de sus experiencias personales y familiares para crear estos cuentos, enfocados en la migración puertorriqueña y la diáspora, y que abordan temas como los recuerdos, las aventuras infantiles, la migración y los choques culturales.
More praise for Cuentos del Barrio y de Mas Alla.
Boricua Cultural Studies
Marc Zimmerman
Defending Their Own in the Cold. The Cultural Turns of U.S. Puerto Ricans.
Champaign. U. of Illinois Press, 2011 (Paperback edition 2020).
Defending Their Own in the Cold: The Cultural Turns of U.S. Puerto Ricans explores U.S. Puerto Rican culture in past and recent contexts. The book presents East Coast, Midwest, and Chicago cultural production while exploring Puerto Rican musical, film, artistic, and literary performance. Working within the theoretical frame of cultural, postcolonial, and diasporic studies, Marc Zimmerman relates the experience of Puerto Ricans to that of Chicanos and Cuban Americans, showing how even supposedly mainstream U.S. Puerto Ricans participate in a performative culture that embodies elements of possible cultural "Ricanstruction."
To illustrate how Puerto Ricans have survived and created new identities and relations out of their colonized and diasporic circumstances Defending Their Own in the Cold examines various dimensions of U.S. Puerto Rican artistic life, including relations with other ethnic groups and resistance to colonialism and cultural assimilation. … Zimmerman offers his own "semi-outsider" point of reference as a Jewish American Latin Americanist who grew up near New York City, matured in California, went on to work with and teach Latinos in the Midwest, and eventually married a woman from a Puerto Rican family with island and U.S. roots.
For a more detailed description and reviews, visit
“Defendiendo lo suyo en el frío”: Artistas Boricuas de Chicago.”
Followup to book, visual presentation for Cuba. Casa de las Américas. Latinos en los E.E.U.U.
Written version in La Jirbilla.
* Luis Felipe Diáz y MZ, ed. Globalización, nación, postmodernidad. Estudios culturales puertorriqueños. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Editorial LACASA Puerto Rico, 2001.
Sample review here.
* Ileana Rodríguez and MZ, ed. Processes of Unity in Caribbean Societies, Ideologies and Literatures. Minneapolis: Institute for the Study of Ideologies and Literature, U. of Minnesota, 1983.
Review by Elías Colón
On Chicago Puerto Rican art in Spanish, see MZ, “Defendiendo lo suyo en el frío: Artistas Boricuas de Chicago."
Video presentation to Casa de las Américas, Havana, Cuba: YouTube video | Text version
Chicago and U.S. Latino Historical, Cultural, and Literary Studies

Forthcoming: Marc Zimmerman
Chicago Latino Art: Essays on Developments 1920-70, Mexican public art (1960s-2020), Puerto Art (1960s-2020), Cuban, Dominican, Central and South American Art in the City
Based on prior research donated to the Smithsonian Institution. See note on CLASP below.
Chicago Latino Artists Series Project (CLASP) Archived and in Progress.
Interviews of/about Chicago Latino Artists.
Website sections with related art work, plus additional materials and documents.
CLICK HERE to learn more.
Also see:
Sonia Báez Hernández, Anadeli Bencomo y MZ, coord. Ir y venir: procesos transnacionales entre América Latina y el norte. LACASA/Bravo y Allende.. 2nd edition, Center for Latin American Studies, Ohio State University.
Sample related materials here.
*Cardenio Bedoya, Flavia Belpoliti y MZ, eds. Orbis/Urbis Latino: Los “Hispanos” en las ciudades de los estados unidos. Houston. LACASA.

An older Study by Marc Zimmerman published in 1992, out-of-date, but of historical interest:
U.S. Latino Literature: An Essay and Annotated Bibliography. Chicago: MARCH/Abrazo Press.
For a review, see
See also:
Central American Culture and Literature
Many titles are still available at online booksellers but also at reduced prices directly from LACASA.
Write for content, availability & purchase details.

* Gabriela Baeza Ventura y MZ, coords. Estudios culturales centroamericanos en el nuevo milenio. San José. C.R. Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica.
Este libro nos da unas de las bases claves para los estudios de las transformaciones culturales que han caracterizado el desarrollo de Centroamérica, sobre todo desde los acuerdos de paz de 1989. Los artículos incluidos revisan el pasado, pero también analizan cambios radicales en varias áreas de la economía, la sociedad y la cultura.
For a preliminary on-line version, visit
José Luis Rocha Gómez. Provocation and Protest: The Student Movement in Nicaragua’s Uprising
Foreword by Elena Poniatowska; Afterword by Marc Zimmerman.
LACASA Chicago
A study of the student movement as a key part of the demonstrations against the government of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo in 2018, this book explores the causes and possible future repercussions of the uprising in national and regional contexts. The book reveals the willingness of university students to imagine and fight for a new and different Nicaragua without the Achilles’ heels of social movements of the past. Rocha shows us why the student mobilizations happened, how they demand a cultural change toward a more open, just, and sustainable society; and how they reflect cultural changes that are already happening and that no government can hope to completely control. Whether changes come with or without blood, Rocha argues, 'the decision for change has already been made.”
Marc Zimmerman
Goodbye to Political Economy in Central American Cultural Studies?
Searching for a Method.
Beau Bassin, Mauritius. Editorial Académica Española. 2017.
Radical changes in Central America point to a new political era, and the area’s participation in a “new world [dis]order” involving new processes and new theoretical frames to understand them. Neo-liberal economic policies, persistent socio-political and natural crises, and new issues regarding politics and power in relation gender and ethnic identities, have come to the fore. Now the question of how to study Central American societies has become focused on what were once considered "superstructural" questions, as cultural studies has moved to central stage in an effort to conceptualize and resolve controversial issues crucial to future developments. This book highlights Marc Zimmerman’s take on these matters. Placing developments in Central American cultural studies in relation to previous efforts, Zimmerman then seeks to outline regional history, culture and literature in relation to broader questions. All this leads to a critique pointing to why so many now risk their lives to leave and live elsewhere. The text explores the role of culture and literature in the overall historical process.
Available free of cost as .pdf with bcc. of email recommending the book for a library purchase.
For a Spanish language sample, visit
Juan Mora-Torres, Francisco Piña & Marc Zimmerman, eds. La cosecha amarga/ The Bitter Harvest: El norte de Centro-América y los centro-americanos en El Norte desde los tiempos insurreccionales a la coyuntura actual/ Northern Central America and Central Americans in El Norte from Insurrectional Times to the Current Conjuncture.CD vol. Chicago: El BeiSMan and LACASA Chicago 2015.
Disillusion, Ungovernability and Transnational Violence affecting Central American Refugees, the Effects of the Mara Trucha, the role of women, resistance in the Honduran Coup, the role of writers and artists. Striking art work, gripping stories and poems, key interviews, videos, film, etc. in this volume featuring Sergio Ramírez, José Luis Rocha, Mario Bencastro, Carolina Rivera, and other key writers, including the editors.
La desilusión, ingobernabilidad y violencia transnacional que afectan a los niños de la frontera y otros refugiados centroamericanos, los efectos de la Mara Trucha y los narcos, el papel de las mujeres, de los escritores y artistas, la resistencia anti-golpista hondureña son capturados a través de ensayos, entrevistas, relatos y testimonios, pinturas y fotografías cuentos y poemas. Con Sergio Ramírez y Oscar Martínez, José Luis Rocha, Mario Bencastro, Manlio Argueta, Carolina Rivera, y otros escritores destacados.
Oscar Estrada
Honduras: Crónicas de un pueblo golpeado
Un libro a la vez de crónica y testimonio que relata día por día el Golpe de Estado de 2009 / A Honduran novelist’s brilliant day-by-day account of the Honduran golpe de estado of 2009.
Co-published by Casasola y LACASA, 2010
Cuando en la madrugada del 28 de junio me llamaron para informarme del Golpe --- que estaba en ejecución, yo no lo podía creer. Como todos en el país, pensaba que los golpes de estados eran acciones desesperadas del pasado, creía que había un mínimo de interés en los grupos de poder de fortalecer y preservar la institucionalidad por la que la sociedad había trabajado más de 30 años. – Frente a la presidencial se está agrupando la gente –me dijeron–, este golpe lo vamos a revertir. Tomé mi cámara de vídeo y me fui a la Presidencial, para tomar notas, para vivir ese acontecimiento inédito en nuestra historia. Así nació este libro. Originalmente estas crónicas fueron publicadas por los canales electrónicos: Facebook,, redes de correo electrónico y reproducidas en Ingles en y otros blogs. La idea era romper el cerco mediático que desde los medios hondureños se había impuesto e informar al mundo de lo que en Honduras estaba pasando. Estas son crónicas escritas, en su mayoría, hechas desde la calle y al calor de los acontecimientos. Rescatarlas es hacerle un homenaje a todos los hombres y mujeres, los mártires que vi caer, en el transcurso de esos días.
See also: From MZ’s Illusions of Memory Autofiction Series
Managua Mon Amour (Nevermore).
Sandino on the Border
Spanish translation: Sandino en la frontera
Older Books by or edited with Marc Zimmerman—may be available on request.
Write with inquiries.
Read an overview at Proquest.
Books by Marc Zimmerman
Literatura y testimonio en Centro-América: Posiciones post-insurgentes. Guatemala City. Casa Editorial de la Universidad Rafael Landívar. 2006.
Literature and Resistance in Guatemala: Textual Modes and Cultural Politics from El Señor Presidente to Rigoberta Menchú. Athens, Ohio: Ohio U. P., 1995. In two volumes: Volume I: Theory, History, Fiction and Poetry. Volume II. Testimonio and Cultural Politics under Cerezo and Serrano-Elías.
Sample review at
Literature and Politics in the Central American Revolutions. With John Beverley.
Sample reviews by James Iffland, Francisco Lasarte, María A. Salgado, Antony Higgins, Lon Pearson, Stephen Minta, Seymour Menton, Timothy Brennan, and Denis L. Heyck
Series on Central American Literature and History (Literature-Based Collage Histories)
Overview by Gail Ament: "La voz del quetzal: literatura y resistencia". Mesoamérica. Vol. 21, Iss. 39 (June 2000): 426-432.
* Edition in English. MZ y Raúl Rojas. Voices from the Silence: Guatemalan Literature of Resistance. Athens, OH: Ohio U. Press, 1998.
Sample review here.
* Original Spanish-language edition. MZ y Raúl Rojas. Guatemala: Voces desde el silencio (Guatemala: Palo de Hormigo y Oscar de León Palacios, 1993).
Sample review here.
* El Salvador at War: A Collage Epic. Minneapolis: MEP, 1988.
Sample review here.
* Nicaragua in Reconstruction and at War. Minneapolis: MEP, 1985.
* Nicaragua en Revolución: Los poetas hablan/ Nicaragua in Revolution: The Poets Speak. Minneapolis: MEP, 1983, 1980.
Sample review by Richard Edelman.
* Ernesto Cardenal, Flights of Victory/ Vuelos de victoria. Introduced and edited by Marc Zimmerman, et al. Preface and intro. by MZ; trans. with others. Willimantic, CT: Curbstone Press, 1988.
[First edition: Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1985.]
Sample review here.
Other General, Latin American, and Caribbean Themes
Many of the older books listed may be available on request. Write
Sample reviews and/or related materials at and Project Muse
Books: MZ’s Series in Pre-Post and Post Positions
(General and Latin American Literary & Cultural Theory).
LACASA & Bravo y Allende Editores (Santiago, Chile)
Pre-Post Positions: Essays on Structures and History, Literature and Aesthetics. 2005. Key theoretical articles on Structuralism, Structural Historicism, Reception theory, etc
Politics and Modernity/ Europe and Latin America. 2006. De Sade, Lautréamont, Surrealism, Brecht/Latin and Central American avant gardes.
Lucien Goldmann: Genetic Structuralism and Cultural Creation in the Capitalist World. 2007.
Greatly expanded, updated, English-language version of Lucien Goldmann: El estructuralismo genético y la creación cultural. Minneapolis: Institute for the Study of Ideologies and Literature, U. of Minnesota, 1985.
South to North: Framing Latin and Central American, Caribbean and Latino Literatures.
Mixing the Personal and Professional. Essays tracing an intellectual trajectory from the 70s on.
El momento fugaz: Posiciones posmodernas en el mundo latinoamericano. Postmodern processes in Latin America, with essays on Marxism, literature, globalization and the future.
América Latina en el nuevo [des]orden mundial. 2008. Essays on globalization and transnational processes, cities, borders, universities, pre- and post-9/ll concerns.
Edited Volumes on Latino, Latin American, and Caribbean Globalization and Culture Older Books may be available on request.
* MZ y Luis Ochoa Bilbao, eds. Giros culturales en la marea rosa de América Latina. Puebla, Mexico. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) and LACASA.
2nd Edition, con Presentación por Abril Trigo Center for Latin American Studies. Ohio State U.
Sample Review by Rafael Serrano Hernández here.
* Catalina Castillón, Cristián Santibáñez y MZ, Coords. Estudios culturales y cuestiones de globalización: Latinoamérica en la coyuntura transnacional. Santiago de Chile. LACASA/Bravo y Allende,
Sample review here.
* Patricio Navia y MZ, coords. Las ciudades latinoamericanas en el nuevo [des]orden mundial. Mexico, Buenos Aires. Siglo XXI editores.
* Michael Piazza and MZ, ed. New World [Dis]Orders and Peripheral Strains: Specifying Cultural Dimensions in Latin American Studies. Chicago. MARCH/Abrazo P., 1998. Chicago. MARCH/Abrazo Press, 1998.
* María Inéz Martínez, ed. El despertar de las comunidades afro-colombianas.
Presentado por Ángel Quintero Rivera. Houston y Río Píedras: LACASA y El Centro de Investigaciones sociales, UPR.
En palabras del destacado antropólogo Arturo Escobar, El despertar “nos da una visión impresionantemente vívida y profunda del surgimiento de identidades colectivas negras, uno de los hechos de mayor importancia en la historia de los movimientos sociales de América Latina durante las dos últimas décadas”. Su autora, María Inés Martínez, profesora de literatura latinoamericana de la Universidad de Manitoba en Canadá, recopila, transcribe y edita los testimonios de las luchas e historias de vida de cinco líderes afrodescendientes de Colombia. A través de sus relatos fascinantes, se hilvanan importantes afro-saberes en torno al significado de las diferencias, de la ecología y de posibles vías de desarrollo económico democrático frente a grandes compañías depredadoras de las comunidades y el ambiente.
Review here. (Free registration required)